Nov 28, 2008

Windows XP: a new start menu "StartEase2"

Tim Smith

The Start menu in Windows XP is a pretty good program launcher, but it easily gets cluttered, making it difficult to navigate. On more than one occasion I've found myself going from menu to menu looking for a specific program without success. Vista's Start menu is an improvement but still isn't very easy to pilot.
In 2006 we released StartEase, an application launcher that solves Windows navigation problem by putting just your programs into an A-to-Z button list. In addition, you can easily search for programs. As soon as you start typing in the search box you'll see a list of matching programs that gets progressively smaller the more you type, narrowing the results.
This update, StartEase 2, offers many enhancements to the original program. These enhancements include:

Improved performance: Now the A-to-Z buttons populate much more quickly
New user interface
A pane that displays common programs like your Web browser and mail client
A pane to place your favorite files for quick launch
Google search
URL launcher
Open a program in the command prompt or execute entered command
Find programs contained in the Windows search path

This is on top of all the great features found in the original StartEase:

Easy interface to add and remove programs to buttons
The ability to exclude and include programs from a specific directory or by name (like all "Uninstall" programs)
Bookmarks to easily access favorite programs
Lists of programs that were recently run
Lists of programs from specific searches
And more! (full story)

1 comment:

Alessandro said...

SuperLauncher is my favorite launcher for Windows. I have tested most Windows launchers and I even like some but the problem with all launchers is that either they make it difficult to input new shortcuts or they go ahead and index my entire PC. The indexers do not support hotkeys, and the ones that do support hotkeys make me type in URLS, or browse my PC in order to add new shortcuts.
With SuperLauncher I drag and drop what I realize is becoming repetitive. I simply drag, drop, and either assign a hotkey or list it on the one-click popup menu. Plus I can group shortcuts which means I can open two folders for backup reasons, or I can open all the files that I need to complete a step-by-step procedure, all with one keystroke.
I guess I really love it because of the drag & drop. It is just simple like software should be. Overall it allows me to work fast, and I mean really fast.

I totally recommend it. You can find SuperLauncher at:

Alex Ferri
PCWinSoft Systems Ltd